About Us

Hey, this is Morgan and Dionne and this is a place for cool things.  Every week, a particular piece of pop culture or media history will be analyzed- One of us will write about a theme or a scene or other such aspect, and the other will reflect that piece of entertainment and incorporate another aspect of pop culture, trivia, or current events. This will hopefully accomplish a kind of unity between film and the world it was created in, as well as allow us to be more cognizant of media’s influence in our daily lives. 

"Who are you people?"

Morgan Leavitt

I'm a Communications major in the Creative Media concentration, and currently a junior. I hail from Maryland, home of the wonderful Chesapeake Bay, and I have the best cat in the entire world. (His name is Chester.) I like movies and the internet a whole lot, and I spend most of my time on Tumblr, Netflix, and YouTube. When not doing those things, I like to cook, play video games, read, or sleep for as long as I can. 

I also help manage the school blog at http://mmccitylights.tumblr.com/

Dionne Evans

I'm a Comm. Arts major and I'm just enjoying my last year as an undergrad! I work at Barnes and Noble and intern at a jewelry company, so I'm a little busy. I look forward to one day writing for a magazine and hopefully traveling the world.